FAC: Florida homeless registrants lose appeal against Miami-Dade

[floridaactioncommittee.org – 9/9/20]

Sadly, the homeless registrants in Miami-Dade lost their appeal to the 11th Circuit in a decision returned today.

The loss was on a technicality – whether the suit can be construed as an “as applied” challenge vs. a “facial challenge”. The 11th circuit’s decision was that the plaintiffs didn’t bring their case “as applied” to the John Doe plaintiffs from the get-go and therefore the Defendants didn’t have a fair chance to defend accordingly.

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It should be worthy of either. I guess it will take another x amount of years for relief, SMH…

Is the 11th circuit and district courts made up of mentally challenged individuals? “including unrefuted evidence that a significant percentage of sex
offenders find residency restrictions helpful in preventing them from reoffending.” What?!? What sex offenders where have said this much less a significant amount of them?

@ M C


Pages 10-16. The District Court heard evidence from both sides and decided to believe the state’s expert witness, who tore down our studies as widely variable and unreliable, including rebutting testimony from Jill Levenson, and stated that sex offense policy should be grounded on “common sense” policy decisions. They cited a study in North Carolina stating that a survey of offenders found the residency restrictions helped them with urges. The Court basically refuted all our evidence and accepted the state’s evidence.

Also, one of the Does in the case on cross-examination admitted that the restrictions helped him with urges. The Court summed that the particular Doe had no reason to lie in the affirmative, as they were challenging the law; but, that the other Does had motivation to downplay the effectiveness of the law. Essentially, because one says its beneficial, it is beneficial for all and the rest of us would lie anyways to have access to children.

@JohnDoeUtah, so you are saying they double dipped. They want to use common sense over research when the research doesn’t match what they want to do but then use a bs research study to claim registrants actually think this helps them even though common sense would say that nobody wants to be homeless. Yep that makes sense!

Instead of using an expert in sex offense laws in their own backyard; the court relied on a study out of North Carolina. I swear the stupidity in Florida is frightening when it comes to courts. Bought and paid for by Ron DUI Book and his daughter Lauren Barbie Victim Book!!

This is what I find so GD infuriating. In light of this ruling – per this individual’s admission – it reinforces the myth that ALL those forced to register have incurable and uncontrollable pathologically deviant “urges.”

The registry then becomes a form of false imprisonment and blatant injustice for those that pose zero threat to society, much less children.

Example …
If you ask a person addicted to anything and say if we give you this or that help will they say yeas it helps …yes !! Because they have been told they neeeeed HelllllP…also they are desperate ….should this be used in a court of law to keep them in LEGAL BONDAGE …Nooooo !
Now, that you found out what i already knew,,,,which is the people who oppose or refute the positive statistics with there own lies or Skewed perception or oppressive agenda…thd next question is HOW HAVE GOOD/BAD STATISTICS, TRUTHS, SURVEYS AND FACTS ETC…worked in favor of OUR SUCCESS or others in HISTORY ???
Thanks for reading and look forward to this sight and others Moving in a different way …such as never allowing a Guilt Trip or emphasis on crimes when talking to people who want to destroy lives and have alllll SAY SO !!!
STOP EVEN MENTIONING THEY VICTIMS …In any way form or fashion…thats personal…This is Business !!!
Thanks ……

This surprises you? The more opnions I read, the more it seems like the courts are bending over backwards to support registration.
I think we all need to continue to work on public opnion and find comparisons to other rights that risk being removed if ours are. Like our registry and how it could be used against gun owners if applied to them.